Title I-A Program
What is Title I-A?
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed by President Obama on December 10, 2015, which emphasizes high academic standards for all children. Under this legislation, congress authorized federal funding for Title I-A schools. Title I-A will focus on its efforts on helping these students meet the same high standards expected of all children. This will be acocmplished through enrichment and acceleration, not remediation.
Central Medford High School School is a Title I-A school, where federal funds are provided to increase student learning. Due to our qualifying status as ‘school-wide’, all students are eligible for services. Our highly qualified Title I-A staff are dedicated to providing effective instruction that is research-based, timely, and specific to student needs.
The Title I-A staff provides support to students who are struggling to achieve the state learning standards in reading and math. The staff may work in a classroom with a group of students or pull students out of the classroom.
Title I-A programs have teachers and paraprofessionals to provide extended learning time in literacy and math. This extended time may be provided during school, before or after the school day.